Hydra-Test TEHCM Transmission Interface
The Hydra-Test TEHCM Interface is the solution for bench checking, valve body testing, and dynamometer testing of GM 6-speed transmissions. Our TEHCM Interface allows you to not only check the TEHCM but the entire transmission for proper mechanical operation, sensor feedback, and proper shift control. The TEHCM interface is an easy-to-use, handheld unit interface with everything needed for TEHCM transmissions. The easy-to-navigate touchscreen lets you quickly connect and test with minimal hardware and cables. The intelligent screen and menu layout allows you complete control with a few taps of the screen.

GM 6L Units (supported now!)
GM 6T Units (coming soon!)
Chrysler 8HP Units (2024)
The TEHCM interface allows you to:
Power up and bench check the TEHCM and identify electrically faulty TEHCMs.
Shift Test TEHCMs in valve body mode in a valve body test machine - sequence through the gears, change line pressure and apply or release TCC.
Shift Test the complete transmission on a dyno-sequence through the gears, change line pressure, and apply or release TCC.
Watch internal sensor functions and feedback (range sensor, temperature sensor, speed sensors, pressure switches).
See and clear active or stored DTC codes.
Flash a blank TEHCM with a dyno test calibration.
Erase a TEHCM to a "re-green" state.
Connect to an analog output on your VBT or Dyno controller and allow your existing controller to sequence the unit based on your test script.